Name |
Comments |
Jessie Adams (1886-1935) |
Mose Alexander |
Listed as a city alderman (councilman) in 1889. |
Bonner Alexander |
Bonner Alexander is listed in the 1880 Census for Forney, Kaufman County, Texas. He is 25 years old in 1880. |
Hiller Alexander |
Listed as the City Marshall in 1889. |
W.D. Austin |
There is a Walter Austin, age 22, living with his parents in Rockwall Texas in 1880. He's living with his wife, Jennie D., in Rockwall in 1900. |
Mrs. Walter D. Austin |
Could be Jennie D. Austin, mentioned above. She was 41 years old in 1900. |
H.W. Anderson |
John Baskin |
B. Blakely |
Thomas Baker |
J.W. Baker |
There is a John W. Baker living in Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas in the 1880 Census. He is 46 years old in 1880. |
J.W. Barker |
Mrs. Robert Barnes |
W.S. Baldwin |
J.W. Bernnight |
Wood Blair |
W. Blithe |
J.R. Briscoe |
Mrs. Thomas Briscoe |
Hillcrest Cemetery records mention Thomas Jefferson & Mary Foster Briscoe. |
W.T. Brogum |
Price Butler |
There is a Price Butler living in Princinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas. He is living with his mother Nancy and is 16 years old in 1880. |
Mrs. Bell |
Jesse Beasley (Col) |
Ben Beaver (Col) |
Reno Campbell |
Wm. Cardwell |
Callahan |
C.W. Carter |
J.C. Cash |
Jessie Cash |
Bob Clements |
Robert J. Clements is living in Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County in the 1880 Census. He is 45 years old. |
Mrs. Bob Clements |
Mary E. Clements is living with her husband in Precinct 2 in 1880. She is 36 years old. |
Jim S. Clements |
James S. Clements is living in Forney, Kaufman County, Texas in the 1880 Census. He is single and 27 years old. |
Glenn Cleckler |
Mrs. Clepton |
Mrs. Cadana |
M.J. Cox |
Mrs. M.J. Cox |
Dr. E.P. Chambless |
Henrietts Cager (Col) |
T.J. Croen |
Ed Crawford |
Thomas Crawford |
Thomas Crasy |
D.M. Craven |
Mrs. E.V. Crowder |
Chas. C. Dodd |
Maggie Dumas |
Theopolus Daniel |
Phil Daugherty |
Sallie Douglass |
There is a Sallie J. Douglass living in Precinct 1, Kaufman County, Texas in 1880. |
Dick Daugherty |
E.D. Douthitt |
There is an Erasmus Ed Douthitt buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 7-30-1853 - 1936. |
W.E. Dane |
Bailey Daugherty II |
Could be Bailey H. Daugherty who owned a Billiard Parlor on E. Front Street. |
G.W. Davis |
J.W. Brown |
Pat Brown |
Columbus C. Bailey |
Mrs. C.C. Bailey |
W.M. Bailey |
Henry Ball |
There is a Henry Washington Ball buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 12-12-1841 - 10-29-1889. |
Joshua Ball |
There is a Joshua Clements Ball buried at Hillcrest, 5-3-1880 - 1-3-1968. |
Mrs. J.R. Badger |
Mrs. Dick Belyou |
John Briscoe |
Mike Costello |
Pat Collins |
Mandy Cobb |
Mrs. Cobb |
Barstow Collins |
J.B. Collins |
There is a James Baker Collins buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 11-18-1849 - 11-10-1936. |
Dan Cooper |
William Cisel |
William Cisel, Jr. is mentioned in the Hillcrest Cemetery records. NBD - 6-26-1894. |
John Crutcher (Col) |
William Dykes |
William Dykes owned a house in the Pleasant Springs neighborhood, near present day Lake Ray Hubbard. |
J.H. Early |
T.J. Erwin |
H.P. Erwin |
F.J. Erwin |
L. Erwin |
Bud Evans |
J. Endeved |
Lewis Farthing (Col) |
Lewis (Louis) Farthing is living in Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas in 1900. He was 35 years old in 1900 and widowed. He was in Harrison County in 1880. |
Mrs. Farthing |
B.J. Farthing (Col) |
Benjamin Farthing is living with his brother and parents Lewis Farthing in Harrison County. |
Rufus Fanning |
W.S. Fix |
Nelson Fisher |
Mrs. E.J. Frederick |
Haywood Griffin |
There is a Haywood Watson Griffin buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 3-29-1882 - 8-24-1953. |
John Griffin |
There is a John H. Griffin buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 10-31-1850 - 5-29-1898. |
Wm. (Billie) Gray |
There is a William Gray in th 1880 Census in Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas. He was born in 1880. |
Mrs. Gibbs |
A. Greer |
Mrs. Henry Guest |
J.L. Gassoway |
William Guynes |
Mrs. Henry Guynes |
Dr. W.M. Garrett |
J.L. Groves |
John R. Gaither |
Thomas Gordan |
Nellie Griffin |
Jim F. Griffin |
Rachel Hass (Col) |
Bert P. Hailey |
Burton P. Hailey had a two-story house on S. Bois d'Arc Street. He is listed in the 1900 Census with his wife, Addie, and three children. |
Miss Hailey |
C.H. Hall |
Mrs. G. Hatley |
There is a Julia Eudy Hatley, wife of Goodwin Hatley, buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 3-18-1851 - 4-8-1935. |
Jacob Hadden |
J.L. Hadden |
W.S. Hartman |
W.S. Hartman is listed as a City Alderman (Councilman). There is also a William Hartman living in Kaufman County in 1880 with his wife Emily. |
Eva Hartman |
J.D. Hightower |
C.C. Hill |
J.M. Hill, Sr. |
There is a James Monroe Hill buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 3-14-1858 - 3-4-1937. |
C.M. Hobbs |
R.M. Hodges |
C.J. Henderson |
Anderson Howard |
John Howard |
J.R. Howard |
Minnie Howard |
W.A. Hoggard |
J.M. Humphries |
Dr. S.F. Hubbs |
Mrs. C.M. Kindall |
Isaac Kidd |
James R. Knox |
Troy Jennings |
C.C. Lindsey |
Christopher Columbus Lindsey is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 1-9-1843 - 12-14-1923. |
Mrs. C.C. Lindsey |
Malvinia Lindsey is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 12-26-1843 - 1-31-1923. |
W.J. Lewis (1886) |
J.T. Loveless |
Albert Loveless |
Mrs. S.E. McAdams |
Jesse McCartney |
Fred McCartney |
W.H. McGraw |
Mrs. Bettie McGraw |
N.B. Chambless |
James McFord |
Jesse McGodfry |
Henrietta McCaged |
S. McMahan |
Z.L. McNabb |
W.B. McNabb |
C.J. McWhirter |
Mrs. McWhirter |
A.R. Martin |
J.C. Martin |
N.B. Martin |
Mrs. Mansfield |
Josiah Madden |
Miss L. Malone |
T.P. Mills |
There is a Thomas Pearson Mills buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 5-8-1851 - 1-4-1933. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge. |
L.A. Murphy |
Lafayette Murphy was appointed a Private by the Kaufman County Commissioners Court to a squad in 1961. The squad was to "patrol the Negroes" after Texas seceded from the Union. |
W.S. Newton |
Worked as a station agent at the T&P Depot. There were two William Newtons living in the area at the time. |
N.W. Newman |
Nathaniel W. Newman was living with his wife Nancy and several children in Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County in 1880. |
G.W. Newberry |
B.C. Overstreet |
Julia Overstreet |
James B. Overstreet |
James B. Overstreet was living in Forney in 1880 with his two brothers, Rufus and Chelton. He was 23 years old in 1880 and is widowed. |
Geo. Owen |
William Peavy |
W.R. Pattas |
James Pierce |
S.J. Patent |
S.R. Russell |
R.H. Russell |
R.H. Russell owned a saloon on E. Front Street. |
Mrs. Rawls |
Joe Record |
Joseph Record was living in Kaufman County in 1880 with his wife, Canney, and two children. |
Suda Record |
Lula Record |
Lula is the daughter of Joseph and Canney Record. |
Sam Reeves |
Sam Reeves was a teacher in an early Forney school. |
W.B. Reeves |
L. Regan |
Mrs. Joe Record |
Canney (Cannie) Record |
James Record |
James Record is the son of Joseph and Canney Record. |
Mrs. George Riter |
This is probably Lou Emma Price Riter, wife of George Riter II. She is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 9-28-1866 - 6-7-1936. |
Mrs. Richards |
Pulo Rhea |
A. Sasater |
Robert Seaberry |
Mrs. Selman |
There is an Alice Taylor Selman buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, ~1856 - 10-3-1897. |
E.H. Shaw |
Dr. N.B. Shands |
Dr. Newton B. Shands is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 12-16-1855 - 1-13-1928. |
S.N. Smith |
There is a Samuel Newton Smith buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 8-15-1857 - 12-19-1924. |
Ank Smith |
A.J. Smith |
H.H. Smith |
H.J. Short |
Mayor H.H. Sowell |
Hamilton H. Sowell was a Confederate soldier, Justice of the Peace, trustee of the Lone Elm school, and mayor. |
J.E. Spratt |
W. Sparks |
W.H. Stone |
W.P. Stuart |
J.R. Storey |
Lem Stroud |
Lee R. Stroud |
Probably Dr. Leonidas Ruffin Stroud. He lived in the Pleasant Springs/ Arkansaw/Briscoe neighborhood. |
Jeff D. Stroud |
Dr. L.M. Stroud |
Lewis M. Stroud is listed in the 1880 Census for Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas. He is 23 years old in 1880 and is listed as a physician. |
W.P. Stannest |
L. Sullivan |
Charles Johnson |
T.M. Turner |
Mood Turner owned Turner's Confectionary in the 1890's. He also owned the first Soda Fountain in Forney, and played the "fiddle." |
Mrs. R.T. Turner |
R.H. Turk |
There is a Howard Turk listed in the 1880 Census for Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas. He is 21 years old in 1880. Howard Turk was a city alderman (councilman) in 1889. |
J.T. Turk |
There is a Thomas Turk listed in the 1880 Census for Precinct 2 (Forney), Kaufman County, Texas. He is 30 years old in 1880. |
Miss Taylor |
Mrs. Talley |
Jim Tighe |
James Tighe is living with the Walter Stephenson family in the 1880 Forney, Kaufman County, Texas Census. He is 47 years old and worked as a carpenter. |
N. Thorp |
Joe Thompson |
O.P. Thomas |
An Ol Thomas is mentioned in a Forney Tribune article in 1892. |
A.H. Teeter |
Albert Teeter was a hay farmer in Forney. |
W.D. Wadsworth |
F.K. Wannight |
Andy H. Ward |
Andrew H. Ward is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 8-18-1850 - 8-29-1911. |
Matt Walker |
J.G. Weaver |
James Weaver |
F.L. Webster |
Sam Weathersby (Col) |
Oscar L. Wiley |
Oscar Lee Wiley is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 10-1851 - 1-16-1928. |
Thomas Williams |
There is a Thomas Williams buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 4-25-1839 - 3-30-1924. |
Ras Williams |
Jeff T. Wideman |
T. Jefferson Wideman owned a grocery store on E. Front Street. |
Sam Wideman |
Sam Wideman is mentioned in a Kaufman Sun article in 1883. |
Sue Wilson (Col) |
J.M. Woods |
Fred Woods |
Professor Fred Woods was a teacher in the Pleasant Springs/Briscoe/Arkansaw community north of Forney. |
Frank Woods |
William Wood |
J.H. Wroten |
There is a J.H. Wroten buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 6-5-1825 - 1-18-1887. |
C. Wren |
There is a Charlie Wren buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, 11-6-1860 - 4-13-1935. |
Mrs. Venable |
J.W. Young |